It's Braid Time!
My hairstyle for today is the Over-the-Shoulder Braid. This is also known as a side braid, but I like the name Over-the-Should better. It has a better ring to it :-) It's super easy and quick, which is right up my ally! Since I flat ironed my hair the other day, I did this on straight hair. But this can easily be done in the kinky/curly state as well. Grab all your hair over your shoulder and just braid all the way down to the end. Don't worry if a couple of hairs fall loose. It'll actually add to your look, and give that whimsical appearance.
If you're interested in seeing a step-by-step pictorial, you can check out the wiki article at the above link, which includes a simple side braid (along with a side french braid). Happy braiding!
Very Pretty!!! Have you ever tried fish tail braidiing your hair in this same style? Im sure it would look great with your length!!! I am having Hair envy with your length lol.