Every once in awhile I get the itch for change. This time my itch involves the question of color. Specifically, should I or should I not change my hair color?
I'm no stranger to color. Years ago I was a redhead. (Well it was a cross between light brown and red.) The photo below is from my redhead days. I went back to my dark brown/black hair about 4 years ago for a few reasons:
- All the coloring left my hair very dry, and I couldn't deal anymore.
- I went the more all-natural organic route, and swore off all chemicals.
- I was tired of the upkeep, and maintenance. It all became soooo time consuming and I just didn't want to deal anymore.
Fast-forward 4 years to now.... I've been happy with my natural hair color, but sometimes I feel like I want to do something a little different. My cousin has these fierce highlights that I'm really digging. But I don't know if I want to go through the hassle. Then there is always the semi-permanent rinse option, which is good because it's commitment free. And if I want to go the all-natural chemical-free route there is always henna or indigo.
What's a curl to do? To color or not to color? Any thoughts?