Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Rainy Day Hair Tools

Rainy Day Hair Tools

Its raining today, so it inspired me to share a few rainy day tips.  Most people I know DO NOT react to rain like the movies and music videos.  You’ve seen it…they are outside acting totally oblivious to the fact that it's raining...carrying on and such. Some even dance in the torrential downpour.  Anyone who knows me will tell you that I love to dance….but that’s just a whole nother level that I’m not down with lol lol.

Overall, I will say that I am definitely more acceptable of the rain being a naturalista.  When I had straight hair I basically ran like the plaque when the rain came.  But now I am more accepting, because the effects on my hairstyle are not as drastic.  In actuality, I  enjoy an occasional mist or drizzle because it helps to hydrate my curls.  But when those drops start to pick up, there are a couple of things that I can do to preserve my style, and avoid looking like a frizzy mop.  Being natural doesn’t mean that I want to walk around with wet frizzy hair.  Here are a couple of tools that should help you out on those rainy days:

  • Hair Pins/Bobby Pins – This can really save your hairdo.  With these you can instantly pin back the sides, front, or both. You can even swoop all your hair into a quick updo as well. I usually keep a couple in strategic places (ie my desk at work, in the cup holder of my car, my purse, etc). 
  • Headband – This can provide a really effortless solution.  It will pull the hair away from your face and give you a bit of control in a stylist manner.
  • Gel or Pomade – Using gel or pomade will act as a shield between your strands and the rain, helping to reduce the frizz that the rain is trying so hard to produce. 
  • Hat or Scarf – Rocking a cute hat or scarf is a fashionable way to cover up those locks.  Sometimes the best thing you can do is cover it up.
  • Scrunchie or Hair Tie – These will allow you to gather your hair and pull it back into a quick bun, puff, pony tail, etc.  You can camouflage a lot with these tools.  I’ve always kept these in strategic places as well.  This dates back to my relaxer days. I usually always have one in my purse, or around the gear shifter in my hair.
  • Flower/Hair Comb/Barrette/Hair Clip – These act similar to the hair pins, but with some flare.  You can use flowers, combs, barrettes and clips to fashionably pin back your hair.  A few years ago this was actually my signature look.  I think I had a flower in just about every color :-)
  • Umbrella - I think this one is self-explanatory :-)  In addition to the umbrellas that I have stashed at work, home, and the car…I also have a mini one that I carry in my purse.  Never know when you might get caught!

As a rule, it's good to always have at least one of these items in you purse or vehicle, just in case you get caught one day, you’ll be able to avoid unwanted negative effects of the rain.

Feel free to share any tricks that help you….

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