Thursday, March 21, 2013

To Bang or Not To Bang? That is the Question

To Bang or Not To Bang? That is the Question 

Lately I’ve been contemplating bangs.  I just have this urge.  I think the last time I had bangs I was probably in college.  So I don't know where this bang anxiety is coming from.  I'm not sure if it's because my birthday is coming up next month, and I feel like doing something new.  Perhaps I want to get out of my comfort zone a little. Or maybe I just want to be like Michelle Obama! She up and cut herself some bangs shortly before the inauguration.

Often times a new hairdo stems from an internal/emotional expression or change.  It can also signify the start of a new beginning.  I know, I know,  it's not a hard fast rule!  Some people just change hairdos for the fun it, with no deep emotional meaning at all. So in the end it's all about personal expression.

What do you guys think?  To bang or not to bang?


  1. I think a fringe really suits some people, and instead of hiding it brings out their features.. Have you tried just pining your hair so that you can see if it suits your face? If it does, go for it! It's a good way to change things up without any damage.

    1. Good idea! I'll have to do some playing around before making the big decision! :-)

  2. I'm a fan of the bang! This style usually focuses more attention on the eyes:) Bangs are a bold choice, because they are a commitment:)

    1. Yes, it is a commitment! Thanks for chiming in!
